Human Health Research

2023-Present: Postdoctoral work

I am currently conducting postdoctoral work concerning the spread and detection of drug resistant gonorrhea in the US. More detail will be added soon.


2021-Present: Instead of Human Anatomy, Anthropologists Must Teach Humanistic Anatomy

More details coming soon!

Su 2013: Dana Intern, W. Montague Cobb Laboratory, howard University, Washington DC

Between my junior and senior years at Ithaca College, I had the opportunity to work with my advisor, Dr. Jen Muller, on the skeletal collection where she had conducted her dissertation research. I was lucky enough to be funded for this research through the Ithaca College Dana Internship program, a competitive internal summer research funding program at Ithaca College. During this internship, I worked at the W. Montague Cobb Skeletal Collection, the third largest in the U. S., with both my advisor and Dr. Rachel Watkins of American University. The Cobb Collection is absolutely unique and special for many reasons. It was originally collected and curated by the first African-American biological anthropologist, for whom the collection is named, and records indicate that the remains in the collection are almost entirely people of color, and from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Additionally, the collection is housed at and is the property of Howard University, an HBCU. While I had the honor of working there, I documented possible nutritional deficiencies in 75 individuals (e.g., rickets, enamel hypoplasia, cranial porosity) of and completed an exhaustive osteobiography of one individual. I presented those results at the departmental “Reports from the Field” that fall (Marcy S Weber and Jennifer Muller. “Nutritional Deficiency in 20th Century Washington, D. C.: Study and Osteobiography,” 2013, Department of Anthropology, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY).